

"Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products"

Coaching program

Coaching encompassed two steps: a) training of coaches to implement the coaching program and b) coaching of selected artisans. The coaches were selected from the trainers of each the courses outlined above, as a continuation of the theoretical knowledge and skill to the practical results and success of the trained participants. In addition, the project partners (ABC Creation and Advocacy Center) invited to apply for coaching training. The 10 candidates were trained as they can support those candidates who will design products with high market potential and are willing to transfer obtained skills into business. Continue reading “Coaching program”

This website was created and maintained with financial support from the European Union, within the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products". Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project implementers – ZBK Creation, the Association Zenith and the Advocacy Training and Resource Center – and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.