

"Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products"

Additional online trainings

During the suspension of the project caused by the pandemic, the project team implemented 8 online workshops where the participants were artisans and small business owners:

  1. 07.04.2020, “Practical training – How to open an e-shop on craftart4you, and how to manage it?” (14 participants)
  2. 20.04.2020, “How to get direction for action?” (14 participants)
  3. 26.04.2020, “Introduction to the next steps in the promotion of the e-shop and guidelines for completing the profiles of craftsmen who have opened their own shops on” (10 participants)
  4. 27.04.2020, “How to work effectively online?” (11 participants)
  5. 18.05.2020, “How to get to a successful project? – Applying project approach to work” (20 participants)
  6. 06.06.2020, “Project management practices-How to get to a successful project?” (16 participants)
  7. 14.06.2020, “How to manage cash and liquidity in business?” (9 participants)
  8. 28.06.2020, “Basic principles of internet promotion and sales-How to attract buyers to e-shop?” (10 participants)
This website was created and maintained with financial support from the European Union, within the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products". Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project implementers – ZBK Creation, the Association Zenith and the Advocacy Training and Resource Center – and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.