

"Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products"


Artisans of the Gjilan and Skopje Region, will have the opportunity to sell their products online, through the webside and personal Electronic Store, created as a result of the Kosovo-Macedonia Cross-Border Program: “Building competition through cooperation and innovation: Entry into export markets for handicraft products “, a project funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo.
There are dozens of handicraft products, handicrafts from the traditions of the Gjilan and Skopje Region, already published on the online platform, which await the evaluation and interest of customers.
Visit and the online store, and through online shopping, you help artisans increase production, sales and generate income for their families.


Online bazaar “Craft art for you – Craft art beyond borders”

On October 15th it was held the final online bazaar “Craft art for you – Craft art beyond borders” as part of the Kosovo-North Macedonia Cross-Border Program in the framework of the project “Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products”, project funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo and  implemented by Creation, Zenith and ATRC.
Artisans from Kosovo and North Macedonia, members of the Joint committee that include representatives of local self-governments and regional development bodies on both sides of the border and other stakeholders participated in the online bazaar.

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We are pleased to invite you to our ONLINE BAZAAR Craft art for you – Craft art beyond borders”, as part of the project „Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products’’, a project funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo. The Final event will be organized via the online conferencing Zoom platform, on 15.10.2020 (Thursday) starting at 10:00h until 11:30h.

For participation, click on the zoom link below:


Sot, në Gjilan, ATRC organizoi panairin e produkteve artizanale, të krijuara në kuadër të projektit ndërkufitar Kosovë-Maqedoni e Veriu

Sot, në Gjilan, ATRC organizoi panairin e produkteve artizanale, të krijuara në kuadër të projektit ndërkufitar Kosovë-Maqedoni e Veriut: Ndërtimi i konkurences permes inovacionit, i financuar nga Komisioni Evropian.
Zyrtarë komunal nga Gjilani, Kamenica, Vitia dhe Parteshi, me dhjetera artizan nga Regjioni i Gjilanit, perfaqësus të organizatave joqeveritare dhe media, u informuan në lidhje me aktivitetet qe i kanë paraprirë Panairit, kontributin e ATRC në profesionalizmin e produkteve, Platformen Online te shitjes, e cila do të jetë në funksion të plasimit të produkteve në tregun e brendshëm dhe me gjerë, nevojën e bashkëpunimit rajonal me artizanët nga Maqedonia e Veriut etj.

© European Union, 2019
The contents of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the publication lies entirely with the author(s).

Summary of the New Year’s Bazaar – “Craft Art For You”

As part of the project “Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products”, funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo, on 14.12.2019 ABC Creation organized face-to-face (traditional) selling exhibition. The exhibition took place in hotel Continental in Skopje from 11h -18h.

During the New Year’s Bazaar “Craft art for you”, the ten artisans who previously took a part in the coaching program, participated and had opportunity to present and sell their products in front of a very large audience.

In order to reach a larger audience, the project team prepared a marketing research through which we discovered that is the most popular bazaar in our country. We came to a conclusion that the New Year’s Bazaar in the biggest hotel in Skopje, Hotel Continental, during which 50 artisans traditionally every year are presenting their products, is the most popular and most visited bazaar. That’s why we got in touch with them and we arranged for our bazaar to be in the same place at the same time as theirs.

We achieved a great benefit, since our 10 artisans socialized with the other 50 artisans and they presented their products in front of a very large audience.

Also, during the Bazaar we managed to introduce the web platform to the new artisans, who would be the potential sellers of the e-shop.

The web platform consist this web site and the e shop On the web site you can find all the information about the project activities and on the e-shop you can sell and buy very beautiful and unique handmade products made by artisans from Kosovo and North Macedonia.



“Craft art for you”- New Year’s Bazaar

According to the activities of our project “Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products”, we will organize face-to-face (traditional) selling exhibition of select products in North Macedonia. 10 artisans who were previously part of the 6 trainings and coaching program will participate in this exhibition with their own products.

We are inviting you to visit our Bazaar that will take place in Hotel Continental in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 14.12.2019 starting at 11:00h until 18:00h.

Craft art beyond Borders

We are pleased to invite you to participate at the opening of the fair “Craft art beyond Borders” organized in honor of the End of The Year holidays, as part of the Cross-Border Programme Kosovo – North Macedonia throughout the project “Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products’’,  a project funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo.

  • Handmade products of 10 artisans who were part of the project and selected by the Coaching program
  • Launch of the Online Platform “craftart4you”

This event is scheduled for December 13, 2019 starting at 2pm at Restaurant ‘Planet’ – Gjilan.

This website was created and maintained with financial support from the European Union, within the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products". Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project implementers – ZBK Creation, the Association Zenith and the Advocacy Training and Resource Center – and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.