

"Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products"

E-Shop: CraftArt4You

The E-shop is an electronic platform where artisans can present their handicraft collections of the cross-border network. They can sell their products online and help to reach new markets and increase artisan’s sales and revenue gains.

Please visit the CraftArt4You shop on the following link:

Also, check this Online Catalogue BCCI with some of the most unique products represented on the E-shop.

This website was created and maintained with financial support from the European Union, within the project "Building competitiveness through cooperation and innovation: Accessing export markets for handicraft products". Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project implementers – ZBK Creation, the Association Zenith and the Advocacy Training and Resource Center – and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.